How Much Fat Is Needed for Laser Liposuction and Fat Transfer

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Sometimes, achieving your best figure is more than just losing unwanted fat. Many people hope to remove fat from one area while restoring lost volume in another. If you desire fuller breasts, for instance, and a smaller abdomen, you may be a candidate for a laser lipo and fat transfer procedure called BeautiFill®.

So, what is laser liposuction, and how much fat is needed to complete the procedure? When you meet with board-certified anesthesiologist Dr. Maia Chakerian, we can perform an assessment and determine your candidacy for BeautiFill. To learn more about minimally invasive fat removal, contact Sereno Santé near San Jose, CA.

What is laser liposuction?

At one point or another, many people express a desire to move fat from one problem area to another. Perhaps you want to slim down your thighs while enhancing your buttocks. Laser liposuction and fat transfer make this possible! The best part is that you do not have to go under the knife to do it. So, what is laser liposuction? BeautiFill allows for the gentle removal of fat using local anesthesia in the comfort and convenience of our practice. The device then isolates fat cells for re-implantation to correct volume loss.

Candidates for laser liposuction and body sculpting

Candidates for BeautiFill are men and women in generally good health with no outstanding medical issues. Patients should keep in mind that laser liposuction and body sculpting should not be considered a weight-loss treatment or solution for obesity. It is also not designed for loose or hanging skin. Dr. Chakerian can add volume to areas, such as the breasts, buttocks, and face, to give you the appearance you want. We can let you know how much fat is required to boost volume and provide long-lasting results.

How we perform laser liposuction

Compared to traditional liposuction and fat transfer surgery, laser liposuction near San Jose, CA, is faster and more efficient. BeautiFill begins when a member of our team sterilizes the areas for treatment. We then administer an anesthetic to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Dr. Chakerian creates a small incision to insert a tool called a cannula, which will suction out the fat. Purified fat cells are then transferred. Based on the number and size of treatment areas, your session could take one to three hours.

Following your appointment

Although this procedure is considered minimally invasive fat removal, Dr. Chakerian will still give you a set of detailed post-procedure instructions to follow at home. This can prevent complications, such as infection, and help with side effects like bruising and inflammation. Patients can rest assured that this is normal and should resolve in the coming weeks. You can start to notice results about 4 – 6 weeks after your laser liposuction surgery. However, it may take longer depending on the amount of fat used and desired results.

Laser liposuction near San Jose, CA

No matter how many hours you spend at the gym, you may not be able to address stubborn fat and volume loss. BeautiFill allows you to transfer a small amount of fat from one area and enhance your breasts, buttocks, and face. Sereno Santé is proud to offer the most advanced cosmetic procedures to treat these common problems. To discover the benefits of laser liposuction near San Jose, CA, schedule a personal assessment with Dr. Maia Chakerian. We can create a custom body sculpting plan for you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.