Scar Treatment in Los Gatos, CA

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What Is Scar Treatment?

Scarring on your skin could significantly affect how you see yourself, so you may be hoping to find noninvasive treatments for scar removal. The aesthetic experts at Sereno Santé are extensively skilled in boosting the vibrance of the complexion with the Hybrid™ OScar procedure. By using innovative Alma technology, the scar reduction treatment combines CO2 (ablative) and 1570nm (non-ablative) laser wavelengths in one device. The Hybrid treatment can be modified by intensity, width, and density, so we can diminish your unique form of scar and offer the best possible results for your complexion rejuvenation aims. If you want to learn more about the benefits of a scar revision procedure for your face or body, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our Los Gatos, CA practice now.

What are the benefits?

At Sereno Santé, we understand the cosmetic and functional drawbacks that scarring can provide. Our Los Gatos, CA patients who have scarring, whether from recent medical trauma or accidents from decades before, can benefit from Hybrid OScar scar treatment in a number of ways, including:

  • Reduced pain and itching at scar site
  • Minimized redness and hyperpigmentation
  • Flattening out of raised scars or ridges from scar tissue
  • Works on scar tissue below the skin's surface for a deep treatment

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Scar Treatment?

Ideal candidates for scar treatment with Alma Hybrid are individuals who are seeking to improve the appearance of scars resulting from various causes, such as acne, surgery, or injury. The Alma Hybrid system combines the benefits of fractional laser technology and radiofrequency (RF) energy, making it suitable for treating various scar types and depths. Optimal candidates for this treatment should have stable scar tissue and good overall health. They should not have any active skin infections or open wounds in the treatment area. It's critical for candidates at Sereno Santé who get this treatment to know that while this treatment is designed to improve the physical appearance of the scar and decrease its size, it won't completely disappear.

What Should I Expect Following Alma Hybrid Scar Treatment?

Immediately after the scar treatment procedure with Alma Hybrid, you may experience mild redness and swelling in the treated area. These reactions typically subside within a few hours to a few days. The procedure stimulates your body's natural healing process, so visible improvement in scar appearance doesn't happen immediately. It can take several weeks for the full effects to become apparent. During this time, your scar will gradually fade, becoming smoother and less noticeable. To aid in recovery and enhance results, it's essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the Sereno Santé. This might include avoiding sun exposure and applying a specific moisturizer or topical treatment as prescribed by our Los Gatos, CA team.

Scar Treatment FAQ

How does the Hybrid procedure work?
Throughout the scar revision procedure, laser energy penetrates the deep layers of your skin. This treatment works to spur your collagen generation over time, so you will likely find that your outcomes continue to improve over a few weeks or months following one or several laser scar procedures at Sereno Santé.

What forms of scarring can be treated with Alma Hybrid?
The Hybrid OScar procedure at our Los Gatos, CA office can address just about any type of scar that appears on the skin, whether attributed to a past accident, burn, surgery, or the effects of acne breakouts. A scar can look thick (hypertrophic), flat, indented (atrophic scars), dark, or pinkish. We can alter your treatment to improve your particular situation.

Can the Hybrid OScar treatment entirely eliminate my scar?
As a rule, there's no way to completely eliminate scars. However, the scar revision procedure can help to significantly limit the prominence of a scar and give your skin a more normal feel and a more even glow.

Can the Hybrid treatment work on any skin tone?
No matter your skin color or tone, our Hybrid scar treatment can work on your skin. By utilizing customizable technology, we are able to adjust our laser to the needs of your exact skin tone and type. Contact our office to see if the Hybrid scar treatment system is right for you.

Achieve smoother-looking skin with scar treatment

Don't let scarring affect your self-confidence any longer. The experienced team at Sereno Santé in Los Gatos, CA can help you achieve smoother, more vibrant skin through the innovative Hybrid OScar procedure. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how we can reduce the appearance of your scars and boost your overall complexion. Our goal is to provide you with personalized, effective treatment options that leave you feeling confident and comfortable.

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